FAQ: Improved Layered Navigation

Improved Layered Navigation
AJAX does not work
If you are using jQuery javascript library, please make sure that the jquery-1.7.1.min.js file (or other version) has the following line at the end: jQuery.noConflict(); According to the statistics, you may find helpfull the following question about...
AJAX does not work with "blanko" theme in Magento
To solve the issue concerning Improved Layered Navigation extension, please follow the steps: 1) Open file app/design/frontend/default/blanco/template/page/html/head.phtmland remove lines<script type="text/javascript">    &...
Attribute doesn't work in seo mode in magento
It can be caused by Fishpig_AttributeSplash extension. To solve it go to  /app/code/community/Fishpig/AttributeSplash/etc/config.xml  Find  <layer_filter_item>Fishpig_AttributeSplash_Model_Layer_Filter_Item</layer_filter_item...
Can brand pages be added to an XML sitemap?

Yes, provided you are using our XML Google Sitemap extension.

Can I add a filter which displays "On Sale" products?

Yes, it’s possible. Please make sure that the attribute "Special Price" has the option "Use In Layered Navigation" > Filterable (with results).

If you need to create dedicated landing pages for your sale or other products types, you can try our Landing Pages extension.

Can I add this Layered Navigation to a CMS page?

Yes, sure. You can configure it via your Magento admin panel. Please find the detailed instructions on that in the User Guide.

Can I exclude an Out of Stock filter from the Layered Navigation?

Yes, you can show or hide all filters according to your needs. For stock filters please use main module settings at System > Configuration > Improved Navigation > General to adjust the position of the filter:

Magento Improved Layered Navigation - Amasty

Does this extension support decimal ranges for prices?

Yes, decimal ranges for prices are supported by our Improved Magento Layered Navigation. You can use price sliders for numeric attributes as well. If you'd like to configure Magento Layered Navigation price range step, please follow the full answer.

Does this extension work with Layered Navigation results?

Yes, Ajax Scroll extension works with Layered Navigation results.

Does this Improved Layered Navigation support multi-currency in the price filter?

Yes, there is a multi-currency support.

Does your Improved Navigation work on the homepage?

Yes, since the homepage is a CMS page, our Improved Layered Navigation can be used on it. The detailed instructions on how to add layered navigation to the main page can be found in the User Guide.

Fatal error when Fixed Product Taxes enabled
Unfortunately this issue cannot be fixed out of the box, so please apply the following patch in order to fix it on your magento store. 1. Copy file app/code/core/Mage/Weee/Model/Observer.php to app/code/local/Mage/Weee/Model/Observer.php2. Open new ...
How can I make a custom attribute into a slider filter in Improved Layered Navigation?

This instruction is applicable to both Magento 1 and 2 extensions.

How do I move layered navigation to the right sidebar?

For this use 'Left' placeholder in the admin panel and move the block to the right. Go on reading to see all the settings.

How to add brand logo and description at the category page?

To add a brand logo or description you need to show manufacturer filter above product listing as well as set up certain filter value. Read the full answer to see the settings.

How to change product image for configurable products when attribute selected

If you are using Improved Layered Navigation and want an image of a configurable product to change according to the selected attribute, please add required attribute codes separated by commas to "Configurable Attribute Codes" field. See the screenshot in the full answer.

How to create brand pages and all brands list?

For this end, you need to set up product's attributes and filters, upload the brand's logo and its description. You can also create all brands list via CMS - pages. Proceed to the full answer to get a step-by-step guide.

How to hide empty filters in Magento layered navigation

For this set 'Filterable (with results)' in the 'Use in Layered Navigation' section. Read on to see the example.

How to hide some specific attributes from top level categories

Navigation displays different attributes related to a particular category. To show or hide certain filters in categories, you should make changes in "Filters section" of Improved Layered Navigation settings. Follow the link below to see the screenshot.

How to remove currency sign for price attribute from product view page?

To format currency without a sign (e.g.: $), you need to make the settings manually, as there isn't an out-of-the-box solution. Follow a complete guide to make it correctly.

How to remove hash from URL
Not relevant for Improved navigation 2.5.8+ versions. We highly recommend updating the plugin to the latest version.  To solve this issue concerning the Improved Layered Navigation extension, please do the following steps. Find and open the following...
How to remove qty from categories?

To hide product Qty from categories, make appropriate settings in the 'Display Product Count' field. Read on to see a full path.

How to show colors and brand icons at the product page

You need to make appropriate settings manually to display colors and brand icons at a product page. Follow a complete guide to cope with the task.

How to show only options with products, not all options?

If you have such a necessity with Improved Layered Navigation, please open the attribute in the Admin > Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes and change Filterable(no results) for Filterable (with results). See more details on Improved Layered Navigation page.

How to sort the filters at the frontend?

All Magento AJAX filters can be sorted at the frontend. For this, you need to open attribute's settings and fill in the desired position for it. Read the full answer to get a complete instruction for Magento AJAX product filters.

How to use AND logic for options inside one multiselect attribute

AND logic can be controlled for each attribute. All it takes is to set up the required options in the 'Special Cases' section. Read the full answer to see the screenshot.

I enabled SEO-friendly URL generation for the attribute, but the URLs are still shown as get-parameter. What could I have missed?

Make sure that the generation of SEO-friendly URL keys is enabled in general settings of the extension and in the settings of each attribute.

I have Better Store Search installed and paging does not work.
Please open the file app/code/community/TBT/Bss/etc/config.xmland remove the lines:<catalog><rewrite><product_list_toolbar>TBT_Bss_Block_Catalog_Product_List_Toolbar</product_list_toolbar></rewrite></catalog>
I have TinyBrick Fast catalog extension installed and navigation does not work
I have TinyBrick Fast catalog extension installed and Improved Layered Navigation does not work, please open this file app/code/community/TinyBrick/FastCatalog/Block/Layer/View.php and replace this Mage_Block_Catalog_Layer_View with this Amasty_Shopby_Block_Catalog_Layer_View...
I see 2 "Shop by" panels at a time.
If you see 2 shop by panels when using Improved Layered Navigation extension, it means one is default and othe other is added by the module.  In most themes the module removes the default panel automatically, but now it fails to do that because ...
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