FAQ: Follow Up Email

Follow Up Email
Are there any Customer segmentation possibilities in Magento?

Yes, we are happy to confirm that this Follow Up Email module has a customer segmentation option built-in. Address our blog post and go on readint to see more details.

Are there any ready email templates?

Yes, our Follow Up Email extension includes the email templates for your convenience, so you can start using them at once.

Can email templates be customized in magento?

Yes, sure. You can either customize the existing mail templates or create new ones according to your needs. Continue reading to learn how to make it. 

Can I change sender details on an email campaign level in magento?

Yes, it is possible. For this, you need to make changes in the default email details. Go on reading to see the settings.

Can I track my follow up email campaigns via Google Analytics?

Yes, with the use of an appropriate tab 'Google Ananlytics', you can track follow up email campaigns. Continue reading to see the settings.

Do these follow up emails work for guest users?

Yes, they do. Note that only order-related alerts can be sent to guest users. Wishlist and Birthday follow up emails won’t be sent since they require information from a customer’s account.

How is birthday info captured?

The module triggers email greetings by birthday data available in customers’ accounts.

How can we help you?

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