How to create a product feed after the mod installation on M2?

The easiest way to create Google feed is to use a built-in Feed wizard. Please go to Catalog> Feeds Profiles and click the “Setup Google Feed” button.

You'll need to complete 7 steps. Please follow them one by one.

  • The 1st step does not need any clarification. Just name the feed profile.
  • In the 2nd step, you need to exclude the categories.

Category names that are selected in the mapping are supposed to be ignored and not included in the feed file. Their names won't be pushed into <g:google_product_category> tags. This won't affect products assigned to these categories; they'll appear in the feed file if the opposite is not configured via Conditions. With the help of category mapping, you can regulate which category name will appear for <g:google_product_category> if the product is assigned to more than one category.

For example, if a product is assigned to the categories “Clothes” and “Sales”, the extension will choose the category with the biggest value by default. In your case, it can be “Sales”. If you want to assign the product only for the “Clothes” category, select the “Sale” checkbox to ignore it.

If you want to manage a category that will be selected for the product in the feed by yourself, select the categories that you would like to ignore. In this case, if the product is assigned for more than 1 category, the extension will ignore the marked checkboxes.

  • In the 3rd step, you need to create category mapping.

Google Product category needs mapping which should be done when creating the feed via the built-in wizard. Your store categories need to be mapped in line with the Google taxonomy. Google taxonomy structure (categories tree) is available here.

To make the process more simple, please enable “Use Google Taxonomy Categories Names” and start entering the names according to the taxonomy. You will see the automatic pop-up hints with the suggested variants you can choose from:

product feed google suggestions

Once this is done, the categories will match the google taxonomy and pass the validation.

  • In the 4th step, please choose the attributes from the dropdowns that will be exported from your products in the feed file. They are all required attributes and the needed values are already pre-selected.
  • The 5th step allows for choosing additional product information. Here some of the attributes are required only if you are selling particular goods (e.g. apparel or digital electronics).

However, please bear in mind that some attributes like GTIN or MPN need to be created in Magento 2 if they do not exist yet.

  • In the 6th step, please choose the mode which will be used for a feed generation. By choosing the “Scheduled” mode you'll need to specify the day and time for your feed to be generated by schedule.
  • The 7th step is required to fetch Google Merchant Center access credentials for uploading the feed file via FTP/SFTP protocol. The credentials can be found in your Google Merchant Center account. More info about creating an FTP/SFTP account can be found here.

That's it. The feed profile is successfully created and ready to be generated.

See more details on Product Feed for Magento 2 page

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